As a leader, you have a responsibility to be a role model for your team. But after nine months of the pandemic, it’s getting harder to stay strong, steady and positive. In her December 7 “Let’s Get Growing” video, Bobbie LaPorte shares ways you can plan ahead and find opportunities to inspire others.
Video Transcript: Be a Role Model for Your Team
Hi everyone, Bobbie LaPorte here again with this week’s “Let’s Get Growing” tip…where I help you take charge of your plans and accelerate your initiatives as you head into the end of this year.
This week I wanted to talk about your responsibility as a leader to be a role model. I know that seems like an overused term….but it is so important to keep in mind during these times of change and unrelenting uncertainty.
I appreciate that everyone is tired and worn out after nearly 9 months of working thru the pandemic, but your team needs strong, steady and human leadership now more than ever.
So, what is a role model? One definition is: “A person who is looked up to by others as an example to be imitated.” We’ve probably all had at least one role model in our lives; role models have the ability to inspire others; they act in ways that support their beliefs and values. Unfortunately, we have seen just the opposite of this behavior in recent weeks from some of our political leaders who practice a “Do as I say, not as I do” type of philosophy.
So why am I talking about this now? Because I know how fatigued many of you are from the pressure to be “on” for your team. And this was reflected in a recent survey – done by a national research organization – of several thousand employees on how they view their leaders at this time in the pandemic. Only 34% of those responding said that their leaders role model the behavior they are asking their teams to demonstrate. Only 34%. Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised, but you want to be in the group where people see that their leader is doing their best to walk the talk. After all….we are all human.
So, here’s my tip:
Take two minutes in the morning before you start your day and reflect on the opportunities you have coming up when you can demonstrate the behaviors you are asking of others – it could be increased collaboration; being open to new ways of doing work; asking for help; showing empathy and concern. Whatever it is…PLAN for it during your day. Remember, we are all under high cognitive load and your brain is only able to pay attention in small bursts; so make it as easy as possible to remind yourself. Then bookend this intention at the end of the day by once again reflecting for two minutes on what you could have done differently that day..and then file it away for the next day. I believe with this awareness you will see a difference in how you show up for your team.
That’s it – that’s my “Get Growing” tip for this week. I’ll see you next Monday… remember to see this time as an enabler, not a liability or a time to “pause”, waiting for certainty to return.
Take care of yourself.